
Oberlin College Theater

December 5 - 8, 2019

Director: Matthew Wright
Musical Director: Matthew Dolan
Asst. Director: Zoe Senese-Grossberg
Choreographer: Holly Handman-Lopez
Asst. Choreographer: Lauren Elwood
Scenic Designer: Laura Carlson-Tarantowski
Lighting Designer: Jaime Benjamin
Asst. Lighting Designer: Ben Saltz
Costume Designer: Chris Flaharty
Sound Designer: Maggie Bantner
Dramaturg: Cass Gutterman-Johns

Julian Guerrieri - Officer Lockstop
Connor O’Loughlin - Officer Barrel
Claire Wolfson - Penelope Pennywise
Nasir Butler - Bobby Strong
Talia Roland-Kalb - Little Sally
Matteo Adams - Old Man Strong
Cyrus Terziev-Thelin - Tiny Tom (Cop)
Ellie Marcus - Soupy Sue
Casey Labbate - Little Becky Two Shoes
Emily Newmark - Robby the Stockfish
Christine Impara - Apple Core Annie (Cop)
Isabel Ratner - Josephine Strong
Jonah Verdon - Hot Blades Harry
Isaac Slomski-Pritz - Billy Boy Bill (Cop)
Eric Fancher - Caldwell B. Cladwell
Marina Wright - Hope Cladwell
Sofie Rejto - Senator Fipp
Peter Stern - Mr. McQueen
Abigail Bowman - Miss Honeywell (Cop)
Gina Fortenesi - Dr. Billeaux (Cop)
Bailey McWilliams-Woods - Mrs. Millenium (Cop)

The Oberlin Review Review, by Kabir Karamchandani

Plot Description: The government's plans to combat a 20-year drought include a ban on private toilets. The profit-driven Good Urine Company sets up public toilets, but with a catch: You have to pay to pee. After years of oppression under the unchecked capitalist machine, a young hero leads the poor in a revolt for the right to urinate “wherever you like, whenever you like, for as long as you like, and with whomever you like.” This hilarious satire will have you laughing until you pee!

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