Little Women: The Musical
Fairmount Performing Arts Conservatory
July 6 - 15, 2012
Directors: Sarah Clare and Eric Fancher
Choreographer: Sarah Clare
Musical Director: Youssef Hamid
Artistic Director: Dusten Welch
Jo March: Klara Hricik
Meg March: Abigail Erwin/Kelly Rienerth
Amy March: Elizabeth Hoy/Shea Lee
Beth March: Sara Bogomolny/Hannah Maier
Marmee: Kate Leigh Michalski
Aunt March: Rachel Oshrin
Laurie: Jason Goldston
Mr. Brooke: Anthony Belfiglio
Mr. Laurence: Austin Riley
Professor Bhaer: Sean Michael Cahill
Mrs. Kirk: Jessica Hirsh
Jo March u/s: Shea Lee
Clarissa: Govanna Miller/Emily Wirthwein
Rodrigo: Bill Wetherbee
Braxton Prindergast: Mario Belfiglio
Troll: Madison Chaitoff
ENSEMBLE: Madison Chaitoff, Kyra Cone, Fiona DeVito, Jenna Freireich, Kayla Gerogosian, Lily Gould, Dylan Hoffman, Grace Hoy, Martha Jackson, Govanna Miller, Michelle Ordillars, Shelby Owen, Sabre' Randall, Margo Tillstrom, Bill Wetherbee, Emily Wirthwein
Chagrin Solon Sun Review, Marjorie Preston
Plot Description: The show follows the story of the classic 1869 semi-autobiographical novel by Louisa May Alcott. It focuses on the four March sisters — brassy, tomboy-like, aspiring writer Jo, romantic Meg, pretentious Amy, and kind-hearted Beth — and their beloved Marmee, at home in Concord, Massachusetts while the family patriarch is away serving as a Union Army chaplain during the Civil War. Intercut with the vignettes in which their lives unfold are several recreations of the melodramatic short stories Jo writes in her attic studio