Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris
Near West Theatre
May 3 - 19, 2013
Director: Robert Navis, Jr.
Assistant Director: Kelcie Nicole Dugger
Musical Director: Jordan Cooper
Choreographer: Stephanie Morrison-Hrbek
Stage Manager: Sarah Maria Hess
Kate Atherton
Katie Simon Atkinson
Colin Bigley
Elicia Bryant
Christopher Byrom
Sara Chapman
Olivia Clark
T.J. Colleran
Jazmine Danner
Theresa Dean
Sharron DeCosta
Lauren Dockery
Kelcie Dugger
Mo Dugger
Eric Fancher
Edward Gale
Quin Galvin
Dave Hopkins
George Hrbek
Kevin Joseph Kelly
Antoinette Kula
Jordan Malin
Cory Markowitz
Roberta McLaughlin
Nathan Rutz
Steve Schuerger
Tim Schuerger
Jonathan Smith
CoCo Smith
Gwen Stembridge
Christine Thompson
Matthew Thompson
Bob Zombar
CoolCleveland.com Article, Thomas Mulready
CoolCleveland.com Review, Thomas Mulready
Plot Description: You cannot describe what transpired on stage during this show, you could be taken to court over it. Presumably, we sang songs written by Jaques Brel.